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Is Australia a safe or a dangerous country?

Is Australia a safe or a dangerous country?

Australia is one of the largest countries in the world, and its combination of natural wonders and developed cities has attracted tourists for a long time: in 2015, 7,500,000 people visited this country. Snorkelling trips to the Great Barrier Reef in Queensland, watching Hervey Bay whales, visiting the Sydney Opera or cross-country skiing on Mount Hosam, there are many places to explore and activities you can imagine. Australia is a very safe country where crime rates are lower than in the Nordic countries. The main threats in Australia come from an inhospitable nature: dangerous flora and fauna, riptides and natural disasters kill people every year, and they should be taken very seriously. Australia ranks 10 of the 162 safest and most dangerous countries.

Australia is a very safe country. Crime rates are very low, and although very few people can become victims of crime, there is still the danger of petty theft (mostly pickpockets). In big cities, ordinary precautions are taken (for example: do not walk alone in the park at night, don’t leave your bike or phone and camera unattended, and don’t put your wallet in your pocket), and you will most likely not be confronted with any by crimes. The greatest danger in Australia is the danger of nature. First, the high UV Exposure Index throughout Australia, which is associated with a hole in the ozone layer over Australia. Travelers hide with sunscreen at any time (at least 30): otherwise 15 minutes is enough for you to get a burn without protection.

The beaches in Australia are beautiful but dangerous: every year over 55 tourists and locals drowned on one of the Australian beaches, due to huge waves or strong riptides carrying people away from the beach. You should definitely look at the flag before you go sailing and take a look at the official website of Beachesafe for more information about the safety of beaches in Australia. There may be several rare sharks and crocodiles that can attack people near estuaries, tidal rivers, mangroves, or deep-water pools; and jellyfish and irukanzhi are also very dangerous, they are present in tropical waters from November to April.

Fires in the summer are unfortunately known as the bushfires season. Inform yourself before going for a walk or a hike. Also among the dangerous animals there are numerous amphibians, reptiles and insects, which are among the most dangerous in the world: there are six of the most deadly snakes in Australia; and many spiders such as Sidney Voronka or the Red Black Spider are very dangerous. Even the fauna can be dangerous in Australia: Gimpie Bush is a tree that is mainly found in Queensland, which causes severe pain for up to several weeks.

A trip through the remote country of Australia can be dangerous for inexperienced travelers. Some areas of the country, also called “uninhabited areas”, have very limited water supplies, no cellular network or gas stations. It is important to closely monitor your journey.

How to travel safely in Australia

On the territory of the fifth continent, there are five of the seven most venomous spiders, nine out of ten dangerous snakes. In addition, there are insects, sharks and crocodiles. Australians are accustomed to living among such creatures and have adapted to defend themselves against them, and the tourist must constantly be on his guard.

Flora and fauna: beautiful but dangerous

Not all dangerous creatures are aggressive, mostly they are shy and avoid meeting a person. Therefore, do not be afraid to plan a vacation in Australia, especially since tour operators select interesting and safe places to travel. But you should not be careless, because meeting with wild animals on their territory can end in tragedy.


Animals representing the greatest danger for humans:

  • They hide in dark places and are drawn to the heat, so all the nooks should be carefully checked. In addition to land snakes, there are poisonous sea snakes.
  • Jellyfish Sea wasp, irukandzhi, box – their poison can cause paralysis of the limbs and respiratory failure.
  • In the coastal waters are found tiger and great white sharks.
  • Illegible in food, therefore they attack a person.
  • Marine life. Ramps, octopuses, conical shells, needle fish cause deadly bites.
  • Wild mammals. Dingo dogs attack in flocks, cazouars tear their prey with sharp claws, knock a kangaroo with a powerful blow and can inflict deep wounds with claws, and in platypuses there are poisonous thorns on their hind legs.

Insects and Spiders

The first place is shared by spiders and mosquitoes of the Kusaki genus. Next come scorpions and fire ants. Among the spiders, redback, tarantula and black widow stand out, but the most dangerous one is the leukopautinous (Sydney and northern). Mosquitoes carry 4 types of deadly diseases, including: encephalitis and fever. Scorpions infect with a poisonous sting, and fire ants attack the offender with the entire colony and bite, injecting poison, an allergic reaction to which can lead to death. In the best case, the victim gets rid of multiple blisters and edema.


The flora of the fifth continent can also cause harm. There are about two thousand toxic plants throughout the continent. For example, in Queensland, nettle nettle grows, laporteya, the trunk reaches three meters in circumference, and the leaves are covered with hairs that contain formic acid and inject it into the skin when it touches, and its last year’s dry foliage causes spastic reactions in the form of sneezing. In the same region, a giant Mexican Cactus-Cactus grows, with sharp 4-inch needles that can even pierce a car tire.

How to avoid danger when traveling in Australia

The main requirement – do not go with the intended route guide. Tourists are offered traditional tours of Australia, which run through the safest areas. If you have to make a trip to national parks, then you should shoe closed shoes, wear tight pants and strictly adhere to the rules of behavior:

  • do not go into dense thickets;
  • look under your feet when walking on the grass;
  • do not provoke wild animals and snakes;
  • Do not swim in random waters, especially in muddy rivers and lakes.

In cities, the main thing is mosquito nets and sprays. In the shoes left behind the threshold, a snake or a spider can climb, for the same reasons it is necessary to close the door. Driving a car at night is dangerous due to the possibility of a collision with a kangaroo or other animals.


You should swim only on the official beaches, on which there is a marking in the form of warning signs and rescuers are on duty. If a sea serpent appeared in the water, then you should try not to move, then it will not attack. In order not to get caught by a shark, it is worth observing the rules and not swimming, if there is at least one coincidence:

  • there is a fresh wound on the body;
  • the water is turbid and deep (far from the shore);
  • schools of fish rushing about randomly;
  • Night time;
  • Fishermen lure and fish.

Also, you can not swim with pets and decorations, the brilliance of which is akin to the gleam of fish scales, which can attract a shark.

First aid in a dangerous situation

Poisonous bites are not uncommon in Australia, so there is a set of antidotes in any hospital, the main thing is to deliver the victim in 20 minutes, as the poison is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body. To slow down this process, there are rules of first aid for poisonous bites (spiders, snakes, etc.):

  1. Do not move the affected limb.
  2. Apply a tight bandage above the bite, slowing down blood flow.
  3. Secure the immobilized tire.
  4. Record the time of the bite and dressing.

If a not very dangerous spider has bitten, then it will be enough to attach a cold, but a trip to the doctor is obligatory.


Australia, although it harbors many dangers, but following simple rules of behavior will help avoid trouble, and local residents will readily tell you how to behave in order to maintain health and get pleasant impressions and positive emotions from traveling.

Warnings and hazards

Let’s sum up.

General risk: low

Australia is a very safe country. It ranks 10th out of 162 in the ranking of the safest and most dangerous countries.


Risk of theft: low

In Australia, there is virtually no risk of a pickpocket, except in rare cases in Sydney and Melbourne. Some simple precautions will minimize your chances of theft.


Robbery Risk: Low

Australia is a safe country involving robbery and kidnapping, although in some urban areas it is best to avoid night shifts.


Risk of fraud: low

There are practically no scammers in Australia. But beware of the Golden Ring, fake petitions, groups of teenagers who are acting strangely or trying to distract you, and people offering help with your luggage.


Transport and taxi risk: medium

Public transportation and taxis are generally very safe in Australia, but driving can be dangerous due to wildlife and drunk drivers.


Disaster Risk: High

There are many natural hazards in Australia, from dangerous animals / insects to bush fires, ultraviolet radiation and riptides. Be attentive and study information about the dangers of Australia.


Risk of terrorism: low

Recently, Australia has not been attacked by terrorist attacks.


Risk for female travelers: low

Australia is generally very safe for female travelers and is open to LGBT travelers.

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